Tuesday, February 15

Do like my new blog look?

It's based on a Tumblr theme. I felt like a new look, something fresh, and I forgot prett much how to make graphics, so yeah.

And does anyone know how to get rid of the underlines under the links in the Dots template?

Actual post coming soon :P


Jenna said...

LOOOVE it!! It's simple but fun and bright!!

Cassidy :) said...

i think your blog looks very sophistocated...and i don't mean to seem rude in the least, but i think it would look better with a couple more colors. just my opinion, don't think i'm an a-hole or something! :P

Madalyn Elizabeth said...

Beautiful <3

Lily said...

@ Jen and Liz: Thanks so much :D

@ Cassidy: Thanks. And you don't sound rude in the slightest. I do tend to make desicions (especially on what I want my blog to look like) in the spur of the moment, and I sorta agree :)

Brooke said...

I really do love the look! And in my opinion, I don't think it needs to be changed at all!

Lily said...

Thanks Brookie! :)